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Didier Woitrin has solid experience in Interim Management. He also has a string of incredible anecdotes, which clearly illustrate the perseverance which is part of his character.

Here are a few select examples:

Mission impossible ?

"We're talking about a pretty big company here. They called me because they were looking for a Managing Director. Who had to be Dutch, and have training in chemistry, as well as an MBA, and who had to be available. How soon? Immediately? Ok then. And within the hour they had received not just one CV that matched their criteria, but 3(!), one of which was the Interim Manager they were looking for and who was able to start the next day..."

Could you find somebody yesterday?

"The telephone rings not long after six in the evening. It's a client who urgently needs a high-flyer for a managerial position, in a rather specialised field. At eleven the very next morning, the client already had the CV of a real gem in their hands. At four o'clock they had a meeting together. At five everything had been settled. It's days like this where I love my vocation."

A vocation that’s full of surprises

"This time it was a boss from a big multinational - with over 6,000 people. And it seemed a rather specific profile was needed. Not in IT, management or finance. What was needed was an air hostess for a private jet. Someone who was experienced, multilingual and educated, and who accepted in advance that her timetable could change at any moment ("It's 5pm now, we're going to Tokyo tomorrow, so have everything ready", that kind of thing). That was a profile I also found, but it wasn't for interim management but for a permanent job."

Need an Interim Manager ?
